Hello and welcome to my blog.
This will be a space where I share my thoughts, ramblings and learnings. The scope of the posts will be broad. I plan to cover all things health and wellness related, which in honesty can be just about any aspect of our daily lives. So many people are totally disconnected from themselves and my wish is that I can help people tune in to their own body and mind and empower them to try new ways of being.
The last couple of years have been a time of great polarisation across many subjects and I hope to avoid the “them and us” disease which seems to be eating away at our societal bonds.
There are some absolutes in life, some things are black and white, but there is also a whole lot of grey. Life is nuanced, messy and complicated. This is where I like my mind and life to swim and this is where I will be writing from.

So, what is good health?
It’s a fair enough question and the answer will be different for everyone. Hopefully, this will be a place where thought provoking questions will be asked that will inspire people to take personal responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. It’s your body and your mind, so ultimately the buck really does stop with you.
As Jocelyn Elders is quoted as saying “health is far more than just the absence of disease”
With skyrocketing levels of obesity and chronic diseases it is my opinion that the Western culture has lost its way in how it views and manages health and wellbeing. I hope you find the content interesting and maybe a little challenging too. Good ideas can come out of having honest conversations about the important things….and what is more important than your own health and wellbeing?